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Workflow Documentation:#

KU GDSC developed workflows:#

  1. RNA-seq: rnaseq
  2. Microbial RNA-seq: microbial_rnaseq
  3. WGS Variant Calling: wgs

Quick Start for KU Users#

An example run script to run the microbial RNAseq pipeline

#SBATCH --job-name=microbial_rnaseq
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<USERNAME>
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=sjmac
#SBATCH --mem=10G
#SBATCH --output=%x_%A.out

module use --append /kuhpc/work/sjmac/observer/modules
module load nextflow


nextflow run ku-gdsc/workflows \
    -r main \
    --workflow microbial_rnaseq \
    --fasta /PATH/TO/FASTA \
    --gff /PATH/TO/GFF \
    --sample_folder /PATH/TO/FASTQ/FILES \
    --pubdir /PATH/TO/OUTPUT/RESULTS \
    --strandedness reverse_stranded \
    -profile gdsc \


  1. This example runs the microbial RNA-seq workflow. It requires the specification of a reference FASTA, a GFF3, and a folder of FASTQ files (not provided here). See the full workflow documentation for additional detail

  2. For all pipelines, running the flag --help (e.g, ~/nextflow <PATH>/<TO>/ --workflow microbial_rnaseq --help) will print help documentation for that pipeline and quit.

Last update: January 11, 2025