Generally useful *nix command cheatsheet#
whoami Prints the username with which you logged in
pwd Prints your 'present working directory.'
ls 'Lists' the files in a current directory by itself, or given a path will list the files in that directory.
Useful flags:
-a: list all files, even 'hidden' files
-h: make file sizes human readable (e.g. 4.0K instead of 4000)
-l: print in tabular 'list' form
ls -l /home/brian/a_directory/
- This would print out a list of the files in this directory, regardless of your present working directory.
cd 'Change directory' from your pwd to some target.
If the directory is nested within your pwd you can type a relative path. If it is not, you should type an absolute path.
cd /home/brian/a_directory
Useful shortcuts for directory locations:
\~: Your home directory (e.g. /home/USERNAME)
..: The directory above the current one (e.g. if you're in /home/USERNAME, .. refers to /home)
cp Makes a 'copy' of a file and places it in a target directory
This would create a new copy with the same name in a new directory:
cp filename.txt /home/brian/newDirectory/
This would create a new copy with a different name in a new directory:
cp filename.txt /home/brian/newDirectory/differentname.txt
mv 'Move' a file from its current location to a new location.
The syntax is similar to cp.
This is also a simple way to change the name of a file in its current directory.
mv filename.txt differentname.txt
rm 'Removes' a file now and forever.
Useful flags:
-i interactive mode, requires you to confirm each file deletion.
r used with a target directory to delete all of its contents as well as the directory itself
rmdir 'Removes a directory' now and forever.
- The directory must be empty. If you're really sure you want to delete a full directory, use rm -r or perhaps rm -ir as above.
mkdir 'Makes a directory.'
Make a directory called 'newDirectory' in my pwd:
mkdir newDirectory
Make a directory called 'newDirectory' in a specified path:
mkdir /home/brian/specifiedPath/newDirectory/
touch Creates an empty file with the specified name. Sometimes useful.
Create a new text file called newFile.txt
touch newFile.txt
chown Changes the ownership of a file.
Change the owner of secretDocument.txt from its current owner to 'brian'
chown brian secretDocument.txt
chgrp Changes the group ownership of a file.
Change the group ownership of secretDocument.txt from its current group to 'trustedGroup'
chgrp trustedGroup secretDocument.txt
chmod Changes the permissions of a file.
There are three sets of permissions for a file: User, Group, and Other. The 'user' is the owner of the file, the 'group' is the group, and 'other' is anyone who is not the owner and not in the group.
For each set, there are three permissions: Read, Write, and eXecute.
A block of permissions will be printed in three triplets, representing the three permissions for each of the three sets:
- rwxrw-r-- means that the user can read, write, and execute; the group members can read and write; and anyone else can only read the file.
To change permissions of a file, issue chmod with an argument specifying which set of permissions you want to modify, a + to add permissions or a - to remove permissions, and the permissions you want to modify.
This will add permissions for the user and group to read and write to secretDocument.txt.
chmod ug+rw secretDocument.txt
This will remove permissions for anyone who is not the user or the group to read or write to secretDocument.txt.
chmod o-rw secretDocument.txt
cat 'Concatenates' or prints the entire contents of a file to the screen (STDOUT).
- If you accidentally print out the contents of a gigantic file and want to kill it, you can do so with Ctrl-C.
head Print the first n lines of a file.
The default behavior is n=10. This can be modified with the -n flag, as in
head -n 100 secretDocument.txt
which would print the first 100 lines of that file.
tail Print the last n lines of a file.
The default is n=10. This can also be modified with the -n flag, as above.
Additionally, you can use tail to drop the first line of a file, like this:
tail -n +2 secretDocument.txt
which can be useful if you want to drop the line containing column headings, for example.
sort Print sorted output.
Useful flags;
-k Specifies the column number you want to sort by. You can specify multiple columns.
-g Specifies that you want to sort using numbers based on scientific notation. This is generally how I sort numbers. There are many other flags for different variable types (alphabetic, date/time, etc).
cut Prints a specified set of input data to the screen.
Useful flags:
-f Specifies the column numbers you want to display. Separate multiple columns with commas, or type ranges of columns like '1-10'.